Fire-Boltt, an Indian gadget maker, has expanded its portfolio in India with the release of the Fire-Boltt Hulk smartwatch. The device includes Bluetooth calling and a rectangular dial. It also includes popular health-related features. So, without further ado, let us dive into the article to know more all of the details.
Fire-Boltt Hulk Specifications
The recently unveiled Fire-Boltt Hulk has a dial in the shape of a rectangle and a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with a maximum brightness of 550 nits. It also has an IPX67 rating and comes with watch faces.
One of the Fire-Boltt Hulk’s standout features is its Bluetooth calling capability, which also includes a built-in speaker and microphone.
Along with 100+ sports activities, The Fire-Bolt Hulk offers aerobics, biking, running, snowboarding, swimming, walking, and more. It also has the well-known health-related features like female health care, 24/7 heart rates, SPO2 levels, inactive reminders, drink water reminders, and others.
Smart Notifications, weather forecasts, remote music and camera control, a calculator, timer, and alarm are also included in the Fire-Boltt Hulk. Voice assistant is also supported by the device. The device also has a battery life of up to 6 days.
Pricing And Availability
In terms of pricing and availability, the Fire-Boltt Hulk smartwatch costs Rs.3,499 and is available through the brand’s official website as well as Flipkart in India.
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