Google Rolls Speed Update For Mobile Searches

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The Mountain View company Google updates the algorithm of the search engine, as today the company is rolling out ‘Speed Update’. Well, the new update is for the mobile users and the feature will allow websites to rank higher with the page speed. So, let’s dive into the article to know more about the new update.

With the latest Speed Update, the search engine giant Google will not allow ranking the websites which have the slow speed to load the webpage in the mobile search. The company says that users really care about the speed of a page and that’s why the company is now considering the speed of a webpage to get a ranking in the searches which made from a mobile.

Having said that, there is no tool is available to check whether a page is affected with this new ranking factor. However, developers can use various tools (PageSpeed Insights) which can be used to get a detailed report about the performance of a page.

Personally speaking, the Speed Update is a really great move by the search engine giant. As now we can get the best results for our searches quickly. And it will also encourage the developers of all the active webpages to optimize and make the platform awesome. Ultimately with this change, Google targets to make an excellent user experience.

So, if you are an owner of a website and haven’t checked the speed of your pages recently, then check out now, as this would be a good time. And don’t forget to share your thoughts about the new Speed Update in the comments section below!

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