Qualcomm unveiled it’s latest flagship and mid-range processor, Snapdragon 865 and Snapdragon 765. Both are one of the best chipsets in their respective segment. Recently we got the detailed specifications of flagship Snapdragon 865, now it’s time for the premium mid-ranger. So without further delay, let’s look a the technical details of Snapdragon 765 & 765G processor.
This is an 8 core CPU by Qualcomm. The most powerful core is Cortex A76 core, which is clocked at 2.3Ghz on SD-765 and at 2.4Ghz on SD-765G. Then there are two powerful cores clocked at 2.2Ghz each. And remaining 6 Cortex A55 cores are the power efficient cores clocked at 1.8Ghz each. Speaking about power efficiency, this chipset is built on 7nm EUV process, so expect better battery life here. In graphics, we get a new Adreno 620 GPU which gives 20% better performance with SD-765 than it’s predecessor SD-730. Then the SD-765G is 38% better. The GPU on SD-765G is the same as regular SD-765, but that’s slightly overclocked.
The speciality of this processor is 5G connectivity. It is the first Qualcomm processor having 5G modem Integrated into the CPU itself. It’s X52 modem works on both sub 6Ghz band as well as mmWave 5G bands. Download speed on 5G can go up to 3.7Gbps and on 4G it’s 1.2Gbps, whereas upload speed is 1.6Gbps and 210Mbps respectively. Both SD-765 & SD-765G can support up to 2166Mhz of LPDDR4X RAM. It’s 14-bit dual spectrum 355 ISP supports up to 192MP on single camera setup, while two 22MP cameras are supported here without any shutter lag. The video recording is still only up to 4K at 30fps, not 60fps. That’s a bit disappointing because this chip is capable to record on 60fps.
So that’s all the information we have as of now. What are your thoughts on Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 & 765G processor? Let us know in the comment section below. Also stay tuned with us for more information.